
We Turn 12

Updated: 11th November, 2022


Today is a special day at YouCanFreeUs; we celebrate 12 years of fighting modern slavery around the world. Since our inception, our teams in the US, UK, Canada, Poland, and India have worked tirelessly to bring hope and freedom to victims of bondage.

Although it’s been 12 years, we feel we are just getting started. The problem of slavery has only swelled, with over 50 million people now in slavery.

Here is just a brief summary of what our work is about:

Rescue and Rehabilitation of Victims of Sex Trafficking 
YouCanFreeUs operates four safehouses where victims heal, receive life skills, and are empowered to re-enter society.

Anti Child Labour 
YouCanFreeUs has a dedicated anti child labour team that rescues and rehabilitates children who are victims of forced labour. Our work spans Maharashtra, India.

UDAAN – Child Development Centre 
YouCanFreeUs runs a child development centre with 100 children in Bhiwandi, India, a suburb of Mumbai. These children were forced to work in hazardous conditions or were at risk of being sold, but now receive education, mentorship, healthcare, and two meals a day.

YouCanFreeUs in Ukraine 
In 2022 our special focus has been Ukraine. We have been taking in relief supplies, including food, generators, gas masks, and medical supplies for refugees of the war in Romania, Moldova, and across Ukraine. Currently, we are buying homes for ten widows of the war.

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